Cédric - Tuesday, October 29, 2024

This man is puzzled by the job interview he just had... with an AI

One day, you might apply for a job without ever interacting with a human being. Does that seem unlikely? And yet, it's already a reality.

In the United States, a candidate found himself facing an AI avatar for his job interview. An experience that raises unexpected questions.

Jack Ryan, a marketing specialist in San Diego, recently tried to get a position via video conference. To his surprise, it was a female avatar, generated by artificial intelligence, that asked him questions about his professional background.

Developed by the Australian startup Fairgo, this AI is designed to ensure a fair evaluation of candidates by reducing human biases. However, Jack Ryan found the interaction unappealing, criticizing the AI's limited ability to interpret human emotions.

He expressed his doubts about the effectiveness of this method. For him, the lack of human interaction in the recruitment process made the experience cold and disembodied. This approach, he believes, lacks essential nuances necessary to fully evaluate a candidate.

Fairgo, however, defends its tool, asserting that the avatar does not participate in the final decision and does not store candidates' data. Its CEO, Julian Bright, emphasizes that the goal is to make recruitment processes more objective.

Despite these justifications, Jack Ryan believes that AI could reinforce inequalities. As a disabled individual, he fears that these tools might deepen discrimination under the guise of diversity and inclusion.

The integration of AI into recruitment raises a broader issue: the dehumanization of professional interactions. For Jack Ryan, this technology, in its quest to reduce costs, risks undermining the authenticity and humanity of selection processes.

Will the future of recruitment be shaped by AI avatars? The debate is open. Between increased efficiency and loss of meaning, the line is thin, and concerns are numerous.

Article author: Cédric DEPOND
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